Oh, how nice of you to drop by! Please, sit down and make yourself comfortable. Would you care for something to drink...perhaps a Fresca maybe? They're quite refreshing. Sorry for the mess around this place. You see, I'm about to take off on a 10 week journey through Europe, so it's been a little chaotic lately trying to figure out what I need to pack. Should the extra pair of tube socks come along? Do I bring 5 pairs of underwear...or 6? Would the SPAM T-shirt be considered in good taste...or bad? Do Europeans even know what SPAM is? Oh, decisions, decisions. It's enough to make this poor head of mine woozy with confusion. Or maybe it just the cold medication I'm on right now. Hard to tell.
Sorry I don't have much to show you right now. I've got about 425 photos of my niece and nephew at a water park in Virginia if you're interested. Oh, they're cute! C'mon, I know you want to see 'em! Who doesn't like a good photo of kids floating on the Lazy River? Well, alright then. I'll just hold off on sharing any photos with you until I begin my trip tomorrow. I'll be heading out early on the Amtrak to go down to San Francisco, where I'll spend the night at the HI (Hostels International) in the heart of the city. Then I'll catch my flight out of SFO on Monday around noon and be on my way to merry ol' England to begin my grand adventure!!! It'll be such a blast, getting to meet all sorts of new people, seeing new things, and.......
Hey...don't cry. Here...take this napkin from In-N-Out to dry your tears. There you go. You know I'll only be gone for 10 weeks. That seems like a long time, I know, but you'll hear from me every day or so....I promise. Just check out this blog every day or so and you'll be able to find out where I happen to be, and what's going on in my travels. These 10 weeks will go by just like THAT! I'll be back home before you know it. So promise me you won't cry. PRO-MISE???? Good. I'll make sure I bring back something for you when we meet again in 10 weeks. Heathrow's Duty-Free stores have lots of great gift items. Nothing says "I love you" better than a cheap bottle of Smirnoff.
Well, I've still got a lot to pack here, and you'll probably be bored watching me, so you might as well just take off. But I do appreciate you stopping by. You're such a great friend, and you mean so much to me. Oh, while I'm away, could you make sure you water the plants while I'm gone? And feed the cats? And vacuum the floors? Man, that cat hair can really pile up! Also, my car could use a good wash while I'm gone. Make sure you do it by hand and don't take it to one of those automated drive-thru car washes...they can really scrape up the finish. Send me an email if you need anything. And have yourself a great summer! Of course, it won't be nearly as great as mine, but I'm sure it'll be OK. See you in 10 weeks!
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